Residents in Stone are urged to air their fears over the future of Westbridge Park at a public meeting next month.
Hundreds are expected at the meeting to be held in the theatre at Alleyne’s High School on November 20.
Borough council staff will be presenting the Stafford Borough Local Plan and how it may affect Stone and its residents.
The Local Plan identifies Westbridge Park as a site for mixed-use development.
There are more than 2,500 signatures for the ‘Keep Westbridge Park Green’ petition, either online or on paper in businesses across Stone.
Last week the borough council pledged to consult with Stone residents on its plans for the park and maintains that no housing will be built on the land.
Cllr Mike Smith, deputy leader and cabinet member for leisure, said the council wants to provide better leisure and park facilities.
However, the town is still vocal about the plans and many want the site to remain the same, claiming that small independent businesses in the high street are struggling and need investment before money is spent elsewhere.
Town Cllr Rob Kenney, who started the ‘Keep Westbridge Park Green’ petition, said the council had not ruled out retail development.
He said: “Whilst some people would like to see an enhanced leisure facility and playground they would not welcome a supermarket.
“We have now started to set up an action group and already have people with legal expertise on board.
“We are looking for local people with expertise in planning and other relevant fields to help form the group.
“We also need written representation from local groups and people that use Westbridge Park.”
Kay Bevans, of Lichfield Road, Stone, said: “I use Westbridge Park everyday to walk my dog, and our house overlooks the field so I wouldn’t like to see a retail park there.
“We’ve also enjoyed the Food and Drink Festival for the last three years and we know of people who travel a considerable distance to go to it, so it would be sad to see such a unique event disappear.”
Andrew Wilks has used the park for years, and the field to play football with his son.
He says: “This is a crucial area for Stone, it is at the centre of the town and is used by the community as a whole.
“Without it, some of the most attractive features in Stone would cease to exist, and local events would be forced elsewhere.”
To sign the e-petition, click here.